Student Registration Information
Once you have submitted the application through eschool and it is approved you will receive emails from Operoo which is our program for additional forms. Please complete all of those as requested ASAP. You will also have to upload two proofs of residency within the last 60 days, most recent physical and immunization records and birth certificate as requested.
Children are eligible to enroll in Kindergarten if they turn 5 years old on or before December 1st following the start of school. According to New York's education law, all children who turn 6 years old on or before December 1 in any school year must receive full-time instruction from the first day school is in session in September of such school year.
The following information is required to enroll your child:
Proof of age
Proof of residency
You will also be required to demonstrate proof of residency within the last 60 days.. Two proofs of residency are required and they must have the parent's name and service address if using a utility bill.. Examples of acceptable proofs of residency are:
Lease agreement
Automobile insurance
Current utility bill
Tax bill
Current rent bill
If you have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact the Central Registrar's office at 210-2224.
McKinney-Vento Eligible
If you live in any of the following situations, you have rights and protections under the federal McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act:
Shared housing (doubled up) due to loss of housing or economic hardship.
Living in emergency or transitional shelters.
Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing.
Living in cars, parks, public places, bus or train stations.
As a migratory child living in any of these conditions.
Please contact the district's homeless liaison, Mr. Brian Farrell, at (716) 210-2324, to discuss your rights and protections.